Basic Auto Care 202
Women’s Center for Creative Work
2425 Glover Place, Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, November 23, 2019 10am–1pm
Presented by Sarah Lyon
15 participant max
$25 Regular / $20 Members
WCCW: Basic Auto Care Clinic 202
In this three hour hands-on workshop, participants will have an opportunity to change the oil in their own vehicles while learning how to use a jack and jack stands to safely work underneath the car. We will also review how to check and change an air filter, how to inspect your breaks, and discuss any other questions that may come up. Participants must be familiar with the year, make, model, engine size, and number of cylinders their car has. If you do not have a car or do not want to change your own oil, there will still be opportunity to learn by helping other participants.
What to Bring: You will need to bring oil in the proper amount and viscosity, and an oil filter that fits your vehicle. Please have your owner’s manual and know where the jack and lug nut wrench are stored in your car. Though not required, it will be helpful if you have the tools needed to remove the drain plug and oil filter on your vehicle, an oil drain pan, and a funnel. Come dressed to be on the ground and with clothes that you don’t mind getting oil and grease on.